Executive Vice President, Florida Export Finance Corporation (FEFC)

Daisy Ramos-Winfield is the Executive Vice President of the Florida Export Finance Corporation (FEFC) which is a not-for-profit corporation formed, funded, and sponsored by the State of Florida.  She has 20 years of diversified experience in banking including trade finance starting with 10 years at Bank of America where she grew throughout the nationally acclaimed financial institution and managed a portfolio of over 125 business clients, both domestic and international companies and institutions with annual revenues from $2.5MM to $25MM.  She later expanded her knowledge within her position to include, write and execute credit policies and Risk Management compliance.  Mrs. Ramos-Winfield has acted as a consultant to both the U.S. and foreign companies within the trade finance spectrum.  Her trade experience with both large and small companies and in both the public and private sectors has given her an extensively diverse background and proved to be a valuable asset to the FEFC with its primary purpose of financial support for Florida small and medium sized exporters.

Partnerships and Participations: JAX Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce ITA – International Trade Administration, Enterprise Florida, Ex-Im Bank Regional Export Promotion Program Participant, Small Business Administration, and Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council.

Going Global: Presented by the ITC International Trade Consortium of Miami Dade

This workshop session will cover: tips for export- ing and importing with success, legal consid- erations and regulatory compliance, payment methods, resources for trade for small business entities, and micro nance solutions for trade.